In Memory of Dan Burnell
Traci and Randy Shields
Memory of David McKay
The McKay Family
In Memory of Benzel Rippy
Lefor ISD Class of 1956
In Honor of Joy Skinner
Lynda and Michael Tinsley
In Memory of Theresa Abraham
Jussen and Currie Smith
In Honor of Ronnie Altman
Terry and David Marricle
In Memory of Lynnda Edwards Baldwin
Kay Failla
In Memory of Bea Barrett
Kathy and Robert Lyons
In Honor of Ronnie Barrett
Terry and David Marricle
In Memory of Alberta and Bob Batchelor
Anne Larkin
In Honor of Lesley Bettis
Lisa Wilson
In Honor of Pam Brackett
Lisa Wilson
In Memory of Leslie Broadhurst
Elizabeth Broadhurst
Joe Morris
Elizabeth and Cody Rogers
Carleigh and Kalem Thomas
Paula and Michelle Thompson
In Memory of Charlene Burnell
Traci and Randy Shields
In Honor of Tim Bynum
Janyth and Charles Bowers
In Honor of Larry Clawson
Terry and David Marricle
In Honor of Mollie and Alan Clemson
Lisa Wilson
In Memory of Ginny and Doug Cooley
Anne Larkin
In Honor of Karen Cooley
Anne Larkin
In Memory of Wamon Foster
Lynda and Michael Tinsley
In Memory of Leslie Frey
Dr. and Mrs. Larry Johnson
In Honor of Martin Gabbert
Anne Larkin
In Memory of Dorothy Geiger
Jussen and Currie Smith
In Memory of Betty Gordon
Robert Marx
In Memory of Peggy Hall
Anne Larkin
In Honor of Marci Hand
Lisa Wilson
In Memory of Brandon Hauschild
Lynda and Michael Tinsley
In Honor of Keith Hicks
Terry and David Marricle
In Memory of Myra and Robert Hyde
Anne Larkin
In Honor of Keith Layton
Terry and David Marricle
In Honor of Dick McKay
Lisa Wilson
In Memory of Gerry McKay
Anne Larkin
In Memory of Carlis W. Mooney
Lynda and Michael Tinsley
In Memory of Milton “Buff” Morris
Joe McCormick
In Memory of Ron Nease
Pam Nease
In Honor of Jerry Nichols
Terry and David Marricle
In Memory of Audra Reiser
Jussen and Currie Smith
In Honor of Robyn Rhodes
Anne Larkin
Lisa Wilson
In Memory of Jimmy Schafer
Jussen and Currie Smith
In Memory of Mary Schooler
Jussen and Currie Smith
In Memory of Gene Alice Sherman
Anne Larkin
In Memory of Ervin Shields
Traci and Randi Shields
In Memory of David “RD” Smith
Jussen and Currie Smith
In Memory of David Smith
Lynda and Michael Tinsley
In Memory of Nancy & Bub Smith
Nita and Bill Griffin
In Honor of Grace Subealdea
Rita Blanca Electric Cooperative, Inc.
In Honor of Lynda and Michael Tinsley
Pam Nease
Traci and Randy Shields
In Honor of Greg Welch
Terry and David Marricle
In Honor of Myrna Williamson
Lisa Wilson
In Memory of Edna & Olen Wilson
Anne Larkin
Lisa Wilson
Mark Wilson
In Honor of Mark Wilson
Anne Larkin
In Memory of Cathy Wright
Stacey Kelly
In Memory of Kay Bell
Dawn and Jed Welch
In Memory of Jim Boxwell
Jussen and Currie Smith
In Memory of Mary Britain
Jussen and Currie Smith
In Memory of Leslie Broadhurst
Nina Akins
Valerie Avery
Betsy Baughman
Jon Mark Beilue
David Bloodworth
Blake Brown
Adair Buckner
Jackie and Stan Byrnes
Virginia Cleveland
Barbara Cluck
Janie and Rick Cooper
Scott Doores
Morgan Dunavant
Trudy Hanson
Nancy & Pat Hickman
Susan and Franklin Higgins
Carrie Hill
Jeanine and Tom Hood
Landon Hughey
Paul Duane Hunt
Suzanne James
Christy Johnson
Matt Jones
Jonathan Kolb
Angela Land
Janet & Larry Laughter
Babs and Joe Lombard
Steve Lutz
Cortney McCarty
Lynn and Bob McPherson
Sally Miller
Tommy Miller
Debby Odom
Don Partlow
Jay Pharis
Randall High School
Buffie and Jerry Schaeffer
Sherry and David Schaeffer
Stanley Schaeffer
Schaeffer Texas Foundation
Kyle Short
Maxine and Grant Smith
Tammy and Steve Smith
Barry Stevens
Steward Construction Services
Richard Suttle
Warren Whitaker
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Woodall
In Memory of Darryl Christner
Lisa Wilson
In Memory of Paul Cizon
Jussen and Currie Smith
In Memory of Jerry Hodge
Jussen and Currie Smith
In Memory of Joi Huston
Lisa Wilson
In Memory of Greg Larm
Lisa Wilson
In Memory of Virginia Maynard
Jussen & Currie Smith
In Memory of Robert McCollum
Lisa Wilson
In Memory of Pat Parkey
Jussen and Currie Smith
In Memory of Gene Alice Sherman
Lisa Wilson
In Memory of Nancy Smith
M. Keith Brown
In Memory of Nancy Stalmach
Lisa Wilson
In Memory of Pan Sticksel
Jussen and Currie Smith
In Memory of Scott Sticksel
Jussen and Currie Smith
In Memory of Daretta Bell
Cleo and Dr. Bob Robinson
In Memory of Linda Elliott
Laurie and Brent Spurlock
Lynda & Michael Tinsley
In Memory of Betty Charlene Kieth
Polly Herrington
In Memory of Melba McCarley Ward
Lefors Class of 1956
In Memory of Andrew Spring
Dawn & Jed Welch
In Memory of Trini Arian
Christie and R. L. Richards
In Memory of Linda Elliott
Janice and Michael Carr
Judy and Gene Shipman
Nancy and Jimmy Woodman
In Memory of David McKay
Mary Ann and Joe McKay
In Memory of Marcus Wilson
Panhandle-Plains Higher Education Foundation
Kim and Jimmy Parker
In Memory of Wanda Ithaca
Lynda and Michael Tinsley
In Memory of Sandra Jones
Cleo and Dr. Bob Robinson
In Memory of Valerie Klein
Penny Meek
In Memory of Dr. Kerry Moore
Ona Jane and George Meyer
In Memory of Rosa Napoles
Lynda and Michael Tinsley
In Memory of Jerry Pflug
Carole Watson
In Memory of Mr. Quintana
Christi and R. L. Richards
In Memory of Mr. Read
Christi and R. L. Richards
In Memory of Gene Richards
Christi and R. L. Richards
In Memory of Nancy Smith
Pattilou Dawkins
In Honor of Corey Weiss
Ruby Weiss
In Memory of Lee Weiss
Ruby Weiss
In Memory of Sue Buckner
Rachael and Tim Boeckman
In Memory of Tom and Sue Buckner
Florence Beth Snyder
In Memory of Ronnie Brauchi
Dr. Bob and Cleo Robinson
In Honor of Sheryl Piper
Christine Chancy
In Memory of Tommy Hughes
Cleo and Dr. Bob Robinson
In Memory of Edel Money
Cleo and Dr. Bob Robinson
In Memory of Nancy Smith
William A. Attebury
Carolyn Baxter
Mr. & Mrs. W. F. Countess
Judy and John Griffin
Lynn and Bob McPherson
Carolyn and Karl Rathjen
Lynda and Michael Tinsley
In Memory of George McAlister
Sarah Wick
In Memory of Phyllis Girkson
Cleo and Dr. Bob Robinson
In Memory of Benny Latham
Jussen and Currie Smith
In Memory of Robert Lee
Amy Gilleland
Jana Goss
Mary Hensley
In Memory of Larry Manuel
Cleo and Dr. Bob Robinson
In Memory of George McAllister
Grayson & Kara Wilmeth Family
In Memory of Gilbert C. Quinto
Lynda and Michael Tinsley
In Memory of Nancy Smith
Robert Bridges
Ellen and Mark Bivins
Karla Coon
First United Bank
Nita J. Griffin
Benny Latham III
Mary E. Bivins Foundation
Kathy Rice
Mary Kaye Shawgo
Malcolm Shelton IV
In Memory of Kirk Walters
Leslie Howell
Patrick Fitzgerald
Jody Casella
Sherri Sargent
In Memory of Charles Batenhorst
Cleo and Dr. Bob Robinson
In Memory of Paul Engler
Cleo and Dr. Bob Robinson
In Memory of Billy Fred Jones
Jussen and Currie Smith
In Memory of Robert Lee
Cleo and Dr. Bob Robinson
In Memory of George McAllister
Area X FFA Association
Ken Davis
Richard Esquivel
Jourdanton FFA Booster Club
Kelly and Danny Nusser
Amy and Kurt Pennington
Janet Rayes
Ruby and Mark Schumacher
Bobby, Marcus and Lawrence Tymrak
In Memory of Audrey Miller
Jussen and Currie Smith
In Memory of Dr. Kerry Moore
Berta and Larry Combs
Donna and Lacie Kirk
Darlene Pierce
Patricia and David Pratt
Christi and R. L. Richards
In Memory of Dana Nicklaus
Jussen and Currie Smith
In Memory of Helen Piehl
Charlotte and Tim Bynum
In Memory of Alton Ritter
Jussen and Currie Smith
In Honor of Stanley Schaeffer
Olivia Moctezuma
In Memory of Ben Tucker
Paige and Chuck Tucker
In Memory of George McAllister
Ferris H. S. CTE
Becky and Corey Ford
Peter Harvey
Carol and Abdon Garza
Ida Mae and Bill Kaiser
Susan and Alfred Krueger
Stephanie and John Lanier
Katherine and Michael Norwood
Kay Shurtleff
Amy and Franklin Steinle
Ruth Tymrk
Ada and Randy Watt
Chris Wilson
In Memory of Wendell Brown
Cindy and Gary Barnes
In Memory of Dr. Kerry Moore
Rayniel and Nick Bamert
Brenda and Rex Black
Diane Brown
Karen and Michael Green
William Jefferson Howell
Rhonda King
Tara and Russell Lowery-Hart
Marilyn and Mike Riley
In Memory of Helen Piehl
Joan and John Meason
In Honor of Dr. Bob and Cleo Robinson
Leesa Wood Calvi
In Memory of Carmaleta Barnett
Jean Scott
In Memory of Patty Buckley
Paul Buckley Family
Johnson & Sheldon PLLC
Suzy Lanier
Charlotte Smith
Laurie and Brent Spurlock
In Memory of Benny Burkett
Marilyn and Jim Childers
In Memory of Barbara Daugherty
Jean Scott
In Memory of Gaylord Groce
Golden Spread Electric Cooperative, Inc
In Memory of Carmaleta Barnett
Ruth Earsley
Mr. and Mrs. J. Pat Hickman
Windsor Elementary School
In Memory of Kenneth Brock
Lynda and Michael Tinsley
In Memory of Wendell Brown
Joan and John Meason
Jussen and Currie Smith
Dawn and Jed Welch
In Memory of Patty Buckley
Layne Acker
Catherine Berberich
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Humphrey
Jussen and Currie Smith
Laurie and Brent Spurlock
In Memory of Benny Burkett
Marilyn and Jim Childers
In Memory of Bill Forbes
Panhandle-Plains Higher Education Foundation
Melissa and Brent Yauck
In Memory of Marianne Fox
Cleo and Dr. Bob Robinson
In Memory of Kelly Kennedy Dressler
Nan and Stan Kennedy
In Memory of Stan Kennedy
Nan Kennedy
In Memory of Jackie Ruth Smith
Polly Herrington
Cleo and Dr. Bob Robinson
In Memory of Patricia Anne Smith
Dawn and Jed Smith
In Memory of Charles Anthony Taylor
Dawn and Jed Welch
In Memory of Randy Tournquist
Joy Skinner
Lynn Skinner